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Naviar Haiku 13 compilation album released.

Posted by admin on April 27, 2017 – 08:08

My track “Let The Clouds Come” has been included in this compilation by Naviar records:


Haiku poetry and music.


Naviar Haiku is a music project in which artists are invited to make new music inspired by a weekly assigned haiku poem.

Haiku is a traditional and short form of Japanese poetry consisting of three lines: it’s about moments of objective experience which lead to deeper considerations about life and nature. The juxtaposition of two images or ideas and the consequent creation of a gap in the imagery gives the reader (or, in this case, the musician) the chance to complete the poem with his/her own interpretation.

This project is about expanding the meaning of a poem beyond its words, and the active role of the reader in haiku poetry, unique in the literary realm, is what inspired this project.

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