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My November-December 2019 junto contributions

Posted by admin on December 27, 2019 – 21:12

One Chord – disquiet0412

One 6 note chord, played in arpeggio (and a couple of times strummed) on 7 different instruments, both real and virtual.
Huge Lexicon reverb glues everything.

Paris, Friday 22nd November 2019 (happy birthday to me)

Disquiet Junto Project 0412: One Chord Wonder
Project discussion takes place on…2-one-chord-wonder/


lost in the car radio 3AM (disquiet0407)

electric piano, zither, music box, upright bass, pitched melodica, short wave radio, AM and FM radio, treated orchestral soundscape by DD
Friday 18th October 2019

photo by daniel von appen

for this joint:…ct-0407-dark-pitch/

It’s 3am. You’re driving across a very dark, very flat territory. There are no other cars in sight. The radio signal begins to fade. You turn the dial. You hear something strange between stations. You grab your phone to record what you’re hearing. Now share that recording.

Op Art Arpeggios (Disquiet0410)

One arpeggio in “Trompe-l’œil” (minor? major?) performed on guitars (electric? acoustic?)
Guitars (3 instruments, 8 tracks) performed by DD Friday November 8th.
Photo by DD (Oslo, Norway, 2018)

For Disquiet Junto Project 0410: Op Audio…ject-0410-op-audio/

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